break water

英 [breɪk ˈwɔːtə(r)] 美 [breɪk ˈwɔːtər]

网络  防波堤


  1. There is a break in the water pipe.
  2. Eat too much rich food or overindulge in liquid cheer, and your body will tell you it needs a break& lots of water, lighter fare, and maybe a few good workouts.
  3. The city worker won praise FOR his detection of a break in a water pipe.
  4. In the break you can splash some water on your face.
  5. When you break up a molecule of water, for example, you no longer have water at all, but only the atoms of which water is made one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen.
  6. Our bodies break water down into its parts: hydrogen and oxygen.
  7. Effect of Break Water off in Different Growth Period on Water Use Efficiency of Spring Wheat
  8. The solar panels will be used to give energy to the electrolyser to break the molecules of water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
  9. He learnt to eat any foot; he learnt to break the ice on water holes with his feet when he wanted to drink.
  10. If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.
  11. In Toronto Canada cities usually has a break water, every year each line three miles.
  12. Earth now turns her attention to creating a substance and energetic movement to break water molecules a part within her waterways and into the components of hydrogen and oxygen.
  13. Pcbs do not break down in soil, water or air, but carry on accumulate.
  14. Nanotubes that break apart water molecules to liberate hydrogen can now do so more efficiently and could soon use the optical spectrum of sunlight.
  15. But while a spaceship must simply be sealed against the vacuum of space, a submersible must be able to bear extreme pressure if it is not to break up in deep water.
  16. As I break out of the water, you noticed that my head isn't coming out first, but my arm, my head is still in line.
  17. Basalt is needed to surface a road or to build a break water.
  18. Moreover, without the support of water resources system, society, economic development will be a great burden to work better, and this will may break the ability of water resources system.
  19. Design Waves of Shallow Water Break water s
  20. The mainly city disasters are water shortage 、 earthquake 、 floor depression and break, water and air pollution.
  21. The key factors affecting tensile strength, elongation at break and the water absorption in 24 h of the films were discussed.
  22. At the same time, the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1+ k), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given.
  23. Technical revolution will help human to break away from present water crisis.
  24. The mechanical properties and water resistance of glycerol plasticized SPI plastics were good. With the increase of glycerol content, tensile strength decreased and elongation at break increase, water absorption also increased.
  25. The method can be applied to online monitoring of breaks and other unexpected events in a water distribution system. ( 3) The second method for online monitoring of a break in an urban water distribution system is proposed.
  26. The results showed: ( 1) With the increases of NCO/ OH mole ratio, the tensile strength increased, the elongation at break and water resistance decreased.
  27. A break in urban water distribution systems, with strong unexpected characteristics, not only will result in waste of water resource, but also may affect ordinary operation of the city.
  28. It is found that there are two rate-limiting steps in the whole process of solute transfer, i.e., the break of the water film between two neighboring aggregates and the nucleation of a pore between two surfactant films.
  29. In grafting copolymerization, with the epoxy equivalence of epoxy resin increases, the storage stability drops. The film acquires higher hardness degree and tensile strength, lower break elongation and better water resistance at the same time. The best content is 7-10%.



  1. show the fins above the water while swimming
    1. The sharks were finning near the surface

    Synonym:    fin